Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Camp fires

Camping is a big part of Scouting.    And the camp fire is a big part of any camping trip.  Scouts spend a lot of time learning the best way to build and light a camp fire.  They learn different ways to cook food over a fire.  In the evening, after the sun goes down, the camp fire is the center of entertainment.  All of the scouts gather round to share stories, sing songs, and stare at the glowing embers.  

One recipes all scouts learn to make is S'Mores.  S'Mores stands for some more because these treats are so delicious you always want some more!  Basically, a S'More is a dessert sandwich made with roasted marshmallows and  a chocolate bar between 2 graham crackers.  The roasted marshmallows get all warm and toasty and they make the chocolate bar start to melt.  Yum!  

If you would like to see a step by step recipe for S'Mores with lots of pictures check out this website http://whatscookingamerica.net/Cookie/Smores/Smores.htm.  

Here is another Camp song for you to learn and practice your English.  

photo credit:CostinThampikutty.com

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