Thursday, January 24, 2013

Geocaching - Making the Find

Here is a bonus post for today.  I wrote this post while I was back in the US traveling around but I never posted it.   So, here it is for you to enjoy...

As I mentioned in a previous post, I enjoy the game of Geocaching.  It goes perfectly with my other favorite thing to do ... traveling because you can geocache all around the world.  So far, I've geocached in 6 states in the US, as well as Vietnam and Thailand.  Hopefully, I will be able to add many more places to that list in the future.

One of the things I like about Geocaching is that it leads me to spots I might not otherwise go on my own and it helps me notice things that I pass everyday and never noticed before.

For example, here I am doing a cache in Pennsylvania.  It's in a store parking lot hiding on this lamp post.  A store parking lot is not a very exciting place to visit but look at the view behind it.  I never noticed before how pretty it is.  You can see the valley and farmland and the mountains in the distance.  I would have never stopped and noticed the view if it wasn't for Geocaching.

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