Monday, September 3, 2012

High Frequency Words 1-100

Listen to me read the words 1-100 on the high frequency word list.  These are the 100 most common words in the English language.

the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, he, for, was, on, are, 

 as, with, his, they, at, be, this, from, I, have, or, by, one, 

had, not, but, what, all, were, when, we, there, can, an,

your, which, their, said, if, do, will, each, about, how, up, out, 

them, then, she, many, some, so, these, would, other, into,

 has, more, her, two, like, him, see, time, could, no, make, 

than, first, been, its, who, now, people, my, made, over, did, 

down, only, way, find, use, may, water, long, little, very, 

after, words, called, just, where, most, know

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