Tuesday, November 13, 2012

5 Dos and Don'ts for Shaking Hands

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you want to shake hands with someone.

DO extend your right hand and grasp the other person's hand palm to palm.
DON'T grab the fingers of the other person's hand.

DO grab the other person's hand firmly and confidently.
DON'T grab too hard.  You want to leave the person with a good impression not broken bones.

DO shake from the elbow up and down.
DON'T shake from the wrist or shoulder.

DO shake 2 or 3 times and then let go.
DON'T hold the other persons hand too long.  It's awkward.

DO shake with 1 hand only.  The right hand.
DON'T place your other hand on the person's hand or arm.  This feels too personal or controlling.

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