Thursday, September 20, 2012

George Washington and the Cherry Tree

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The last tree story I want to tell you is about the first president of the United States, George Washington.  When he was a young boy, he was given an ax.  So, what do you think he did with it?  Of course, he went into the yard and started chopping things.  He tried chopping big trees but their trunks were too big for his little ax.  But then he saw a cherry tree. Cherry trees have smaller trunks so he started chopping. And before you know it, he had chopped the cherry tree down. Happy with that, he put his ax away and went off to play.

Later, however,when his father returned home, he saw his prized cherry tree laying on the ground.  He was furious and he started yelling. Everyone was scared and no one knew who did it. But then George stepped forward and admitted his guilt, "I can not tell a lie"  he said.  Well, George's father was so overcome with joy at his son's honesty that he did not punish him.  

This story is well known in the US.  It's the reason we eat cherry pie on George Washington's birthday and decorate with pictures of axes and cherry trees on this holiday. The only problem is that this story is not true.   It was made up by M.L. Weems when he wrote a biography about George Washington in the 1800s.  He made up the story as an example of Washington's honesty. The story spread and has become a part of American culture.  

Learn more about it by watching this video from the ABC's of Agriculture series with Miss Tammy. I think you will enjoy listening to Miss Tammy's southern accent especially at the end when she says, "See y'all next time."

And I'll see you all next time here at

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