Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Breakfast for Dinner 2!

As promised in my last post, ...  here is the second place I ate breakfast for dinner on my trip to Ithaca, New York.    A restaurant called Waffle Frolic.  I bet you can't guess what I had for dinner?

Chili!  Ha, ha you were expecting me to say waffles weren't you.  Ok, you're right.  I had chili served on a cornbread waffle.  Not a typical waffle but very delicious.   The other waffle was a nice normal buttermilk waffle with fried bananas and chocolate sauce on top.   It's always good to eat out with a friend, that way you can share.

I thought the name Waffle Frolic was just a cute name the owner thought up but it turns out the name is actually historic.  US President Thomas Jefferson brought back a waffle iron from France in the late 1700s and started a trend of waffle parties in the United States.  These parties were called waffle frolics.  It just goes to show you can always learn something new every day.

I hope you enjoyed learning about waffles.  Thanks for stopping by.

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