Friday, December 21, 2012

Duck, Duck, Goose

There is something fowl about this blog post!  Can you guess what it is?

In the US there are lots of different types of wild ducks and geese.   We call ducks and geese (also chickens) fowl.  Fowl sounds like the word foul which means something dirty, gross, or an error in a sports game.  So I made a pun or a play on words.  It sounds like I'm saying there is something gross about this post but it's just a fun way to say it's all about ducks and geese.

 Here are two common fowl in the US.

Mallard Ducks

A male and female Mallard Duck out for a walk on a chilly day.  The male has emerald green feathers on his head and a bright yellow beak, the female is brown and speckled.

Canadian Goose

Canadian Geese are big, have a brown body and a black neck and head.  (Geese is the plural for the word goose.)   Although they are quite handsome, many people don't like the geese because there are so many of them.  They hang out in large flocks on open areas like golf courses, playing fields and school yards.  They  are noisy and poop all over making it unpleasant to be around them.  (Talk about a foul fowl!)

The title of this post is duck, duck, goose but it is more than just a description of the number of birds in the pictures.  Duck, duck, goose is a game played by young kids in the US.  Click on the link to read how this game is played.

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