Friday, May 18, 2012

Helmet Safety

Hello everyone.  I am having trouble with my internet connection so I am unable to upload the audio file of this post to the site where it is hosted.  As soon as this problem is resolved I will update this post.  Thanks!

This is the last post on Helmet Safety and then we will move on to our next Topic of the Week - Weddings.  

After talking to many of you and hearing your stories, arguments, and ideas about traffic safety - one thing that seems to make a difference with a lot of people is scary pictures and videos of the consequences of not wearing a proper helmet. 

These images can be formed in our minds as well by listening to your words.  Your stories about accidents you've seen or that have happened to people you know can create a lasting impression in the minds of the people who hear them.  So, share your stories with your friends.  You are the ones that will make a difference in the lives of people close to you.

There are alot of videos that you can watch at  There are too many to publish them all on this blog especially with the internet problems I have been having lately but click on the link and watch a few.  Share them with the people you love.  These videos are not graphic.  They don't show bloody pictures but they will give you goosebumps and make you think. 

Another problem I heard is that good quality helmets cost more and therefore get stolen more often.  This is a big problem.  If you spend alot of money on a good quality helmet and you go into a store and it gets stolen.  You now have nothing to wear when you get back on your motorbike.   Carrying your helmet with you everywhere isn't always possible so what do you do?  One option is a helmet lock.  I found this link with instructions on how to make your own helmet lock.
What are your ideas?  What do you do to keep your helmet from getting stolen?  Share your suggestions with me and the other readers in the comments.

Thanks for listening.  This has been Cassie Brenn for

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