Friday, May 4, 2012

Where to find free Graphic Novels and Comic Books

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Ok so we are all in agreement that Graphic Novels and Comic Books are fun to read and can help us improve our English, so, where do we find them?   And don't forget the title of the post says free so I don't want to spend a lot of money ordering books on-line and paying for postage. 


If you live in the United States, then your first stop is your school library or the public library.    Either of those places will have a selection of Graphic Novels for you to borrow, read and return. 

But if you don't live in the US, or even if you do, you can find many websites that have Graphic Novels and Comic Books for you to read free on-line.

The Comic book from my last post is from  Click on where it says comics at the top of the page and then click on the tab that says free books. There you will find pages and pages of free comic books for you to read. They have all different types - fantasy, drama, mystery, etc. So you are sure to find something you like.

If you like Manga then check out  That's where you will find my favorite series, Case Closed, along with many, many other books. 

 If comic books are more your style then click on for a list of links to free on-line comic books.  Again, the list includes many different genres and it even has a list of links to non-fiction comic books.  So, if you want to read about the philospher Carl Jung in comic book form you can do that. 

That should keep you busy reading for a while. 

Thanks for listening.  This has been Cassie Brenn for 

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