Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wear Your Helmet the Proper Way

Listen to me read this post

A helmet must fit correctly and be worn correctly to protect you. 

When you are buying a helmet, buy one that is the proper size for you.  It should not be too loose or it might fall off in an accident.

It should sit on top of your head and rest 2 finger widths above your eyebrows.  If it comes below that it's too loose (too big for you.)  Above that, say 3 finger widths or more, it's too small or it's not sitting on top of your head.  Maybe, It's pushed back too far.  It needs to sit on top of your head to give you protection.

The helmet must be buckled properly.  The straps on the side of the helmet should pass on either side of your ears making a V.  Adjust the straps so the bottom of the V is right under your ear. The chin strap must be buckled and fit snuggly under your chin.  That means it's tight enough that you can only fit 1 finger between the strap and your chin. 

If the chin strap is not buckled or if it is too loose, then the helmet will come off your head during an accident.  If the helmet is not on your head, it offers no protection at all.

So, buy a good quality helmet and wear it properly for the maximum protection.

Thanks for listening. This has been Cassie Brenn for

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