Friday, May 18, 2012

Names in the US

Listen to me read this post

Our Dear friend Isabella is heading back to the US soon and although we will miss her, we wish her safe travels.

Did you know that the name Isabella is the second most popular girl name for babies in the US right now? 

That is according to the Social Security Administration which makes a list of all the names given to babies in the US each year. Every year they publish the list of the most popular baby names and that list for 2011 just came out.

The top 5 girl names are:

The top 5 boy names are:

Names and how we say them differ from country to country. In the United States we say our name in the order of given name, middle name, and family name. Or another way to say it is first name, middle name, and last name. 

Our names don't have significant meanings or if they do, we are often unaware of them and we don't usually pick a name for our children based on the meaning. Some families choose names from the Bible or name their children after beloved family members or famous people. But mostly we choose names we like or sound nice with our last name.

When a woman gets married in the US she usually changes her last name to that of her husbands. We call her family name before getting married her maiden name. Some women in the US choose to keep their maiden names instead of changing their last names or some choose to use both their maiden names and their husband's last name. For example, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rodham is her maiden name and Clinton is her married name. If a woman gets divorced she usually keeps her married name but not always.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this talk about names in the United States. 

As always, Thanks for listening. This has been Cassie Brenn for


  1. here is the topic i am looking forward to listening most. I always get in trouble when saying names, so I wonder if there are any rules to pronounce names in the US. Besides, i am curious about nick names, do every Americans have nick name? and how can they create their own nick name? Finally, can you tell me how to use the titles Mr, Mrs, Ms?
    thanks a lot :)

    1. Thanks for your comment. You asked some great questions so I will make another post about names instead of answering them here. Look for it soon. Thanks!

  2. Haha, I'm really impressed at the way you choose names for babies. "mostly we choose names we like or sound nice with our last name."

    In Vietnam, a baby' name is the result of a careful process : considering names, asking fortune tellers, asking other family members, or even arguing with your spouse.

    If I have any baby, I'll name him/her in your way. It's simpler and more efficient. :)

    1. We have the arguing with spouse part too! Mom and Dad have to agree on a name for their new baby and that's not always easy.
