Friday, April 20, 2012

Driving in the Snow

Listen to me read this post

In the northern part of the US during the winter months it often snows.  Snow and ice make the roads slippery and dangerous to drive on.  It's easy for a car to slide into another car and cause an accident.  The ice can make it difficult to drive up a hill.  Your car can't get traction on the road and slips back down the hill. 

State governments have to take care of the roads during winter so people will not have accidents.  They monitor the weather reports and send out special trucks to drop salt and other ice melting chemicals on the roads before a snow storm.  After the storm they have trucks with a blade on the front called a snow plow for pushing the snow off the road. 

Sometimes children get the day off of school so that the roads can be plowed to make it safe for the school buses.  This is called a snow day and as you can imagine most children are quite happy to skip school, stay home and play outside in the snow.

Drivers' also need to learn how to drive in the snow.  Many people put snow tires on their cars during the winter months or they wrap the tires in special snow chains.  These tires help the car grip the road better.  It's also important for drivers to drive slower and leave a bigger distance between their car and the car in front of them. 

If you are curious about what the roads look like in winter watch this video made by a truck driver driving through the state of Maine into Canada.  You will see snow plows, grey skies and lots of snow!  There is no audio narration for this video only music playing a country and western song but I think you will enjoying seeing what it looks like. 


  1. I'm just curious about... the school buses, because we don't have one in Vietnam; so, how do they work? Are they like normal buses?

    1. Students in public schools in the US either walk to school, ride a bus depending on how far they live from the school. The school bus only picks up students going to and from one school, not adults going to the store or work. So, a student will always ride the same bus everyday. Public school buses are yellow and have numbers on the side to tell them apart. They also have flashing lights and a stop sign that comes out when the bus stops because it's the law in the US that all cars must stop for school buses.

  2. what about the routes of the school buses?

  3. The school buses have an assigned route to and from the school that will include picking up an assigned number of students at specific locations set by the school. They'll drive the same route everyday and pick up the same students everyday.
