Sunday, April 15, 2012

School Mascots

Listen to me read this post

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am an alumni of VA Tech.  An Alumni is a person who graduated from a specific school.  So, you could ask me, "Are you an Alumni of VA Tech?"  And I would answer, "Yes, I am."

But you could also ask me, "Are you a Hokie?"  and I would still answer, "Yes, I am."  Because the Hokie is the mascot of VA Tech. 

A mascot is a character, often an animal, that represents a group, school or business.  And in the United States almost every college and high school has a mascot to represent the school. 

We identify ourselves and our school by the mascot.  Like when I said, "I am a Hokie."  A hokie is a turkey by the way.  You can read more about the history of the VA Tech Hokie at this website:

School t-shirts and notebooks will have pictures of the school mascot.  And a person dressed up like the mascot will appear at different school events such as football games and pep rallies.

The purpose of the school mascot is to help build school spirit and pride. It also helps build tradition, community spirit and a connection between current students and former students.  Plus, it's alot of fun.

Does your school have a mascot?  Tell me about it in the comments section.

Thanks for listening this has been Cassie Brenn for


  1. my name's Thu, i joined in many of your conversation hours which are really interesting. I've learnt so many things from you.Thank you so much.
    About this post, it's absolutely new to me because in all universities in VN, we don't have any mascots. To distinguish universities, we use logos.
    One special thing that is different from your country is that we use the words " university" and " college" to mean 2 levels of higher education. " Univerity" is appreciated much higher than " college". Simply, Students in univerity are better than the others.
    In education field, i don't understand the term " gap- year student", can you clarify it to me? Thank you
    wish u the best, hihi

  2. Some students delay going straight from high school to college by one year. We call that a gap year. During that year they travel, do charity work or work at a job to get experience and discover what they are passionate about. It's more common in England than in the US.
